目前分類:工作 (47)

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  • Apr 19 Thu 2007 00:15
  • 關鍵

  如果說將來會蓬勃發展的工作領域是「市場行銷(Marketing)」、「工業設計(ID, Industrial Design)」與「運籌管裡(Logistics)」,似乎也不全然正確。

  似乎,原本想法中的「研發(R&D, Research & Development)能力」,仍然伴著引領市場走向的成敗關鍵。

ingo74 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  「協同設計(Collaborative Design)」是「供應商管理(SRM, Supplier Relationship Management)」裡常提到的概念,目的為縮短產品設計與上市的週期時間,進一步減省不必要的資本支出與成本浪費。


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  • Apr 10 Tue 2007 23:55
  • 格局



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  • Apr 09 Mon 2007 21:53
  • 溝通

  供應鍊裡的「長鞭效應(Bullwhip Effect)」,讓下游市場的細微變化,造成上游供應商庫存的加倍變大。欲減少長鞭效應,除了讓供應鍊長度變短之外,更治本的方法是讓整個供應鍊的透明度增加。


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  • Apr 03 Tue 2007 21:46
  • 出路



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  • Mar 10 Sat 2007 22:58
  • 眼睛



ingo74 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Mar 08 Thu 2007 23:45
  • 人才

  1007期的「商業週刊」訪問了該期週刊的「客座總編輯」,前奇異總裁、曾被譽為全球最傑出執行長的威爾許(Jack Welch)。


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  • Feb 14 Wed 2007 23:59
  • 觀念


  所謂系統化的制度,說穿了其實是根據組織的目標,延展出欲達到所需的組織型態或架構,進一步定義出各項功能與流程,最後依循流程徹底執行。整個系統化的過程中,除可避免運作過程因人而異的人治狀況外,亦可逐步累積組織流程運作知識、持續改善,並達管理運作效率的精緻化,甚至達一般ERP系統裡常提及的「最佳化實務(Best Practice)」。

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  • Feb 06 Tue 2007 21:55
  • 團隊



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  • Jan 31 Wed 2007 23:06
  • 循環



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  • Jan 26 Fri 2007 23:32
  • 管理



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  • Dec 29 Fri 2006 22:35
  • 文化



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  • Jul 18 Tue 2006 23:15



ingo74 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()


  過去,大型面板廠自行生產小尺寸面板,但面對蓬勃發展、幾乎無產品標準可言,且需求變化顯著的手持式裝置(Hand-held Device)市場,大型面板廠缺乏產品調整效能,缺乏修改彈性的明顯缺點暴露無遺。或許,對小尺寸面板產業而言,將後段模組(Module)製造獨立分出是解決問題的方法之一。以此角度,對小尺寸模組廠而言,營運操作模式應該如何定義?

ingo74 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


  半導體業從德州儀器(TI)於1958年發明第一顆IC以來,經過了數十年的發展,其實已經建立累積起十分成熟的營運模式。最明顯的是由過去的IDM(Integrated Device Manufacturing,整合元件製造)型態演變成了高度的垂直分工模式,而所以能夠使此種模式盡致發揮的其實是半導體業,尤其是晶圓製造(Fabrication)段的高資本支出,以及半導體IC產品本身的高度差異性所致。晶圓製造段的高資本支出,增高產業進入門檻,而演變出專業晶圓代工、喝牛奶不必養牛的概念;而半導體IC產品本身的高度差異性,亦即存在的各式各樣通用IC、ASICS(Application Specified IC,特定用途IC),甚至SOC(System on Chip),造成設計公司(Design House)百家爭鳴、各擅所長,同時與晶圓代工廠、構裝廠、測試廠等相互配合,互蒙其利,進一步成就分工細膩的半導體供應鍊(Supply Chain)。發展幾趨完熟的半導體產業垂直體系,是否適用於面板業?面板業裡是否也可同樣分出設計公司與代工廠?

ingo74 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

 It's interesting to imagine that you are located in Taiwan, report to your boss in Hong Kong while the regional vice president stays in Singapore and be responsible to the president in United States. In such a kind of global networks, products may be developed in United States, manufactured in Asia Pacific and sold in Europe. What kind of position should Taiwan be in the globalized supply chain? What should people in Taiwan do to face the operations without frontier? What kind of job should be picked as the next step? Should be main-land China our next step?

 It's hard to answer such a lot of questions and the perfect answer may not exist as well, it depends on how you evaluate to the whole career plan and what your choices are. Because of the restriction of geographic reasons and also insufficient hinterlands, small island such as Taiwan is hard to build it's own brands and sales channels. What Taiwan can do is just OEM or even advance to ODM, cost benefit is the only important thing in such a situation. When the advantage is taken by main land China or the third world countries in low labor rates, Taiwan should adjust its steps to perform innovations no matter in management or new technologies development. Sincerely speaking, maybe the only superiorities Taiwan has are management skills, but when most of corporations are move out, what else can be left to be managed?

ingo74 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  Crowed people gathering at Computex Taipei, maybe it's the time that simultaneously met the most numerous different color of faces recently in Taiwan. Each time in such a kind of show, the various new technologies come to your eyes; the varicolored world steals your mind so that you are always wondering the next step about your career plan…thinking the career, thinking about nothing but everything…

  Walking through the noisy and bustling booths, something attract people's eye balls, it's not fantastic technologies or products, but other "people". In this show, new applications or products in available to be manufactured should be the focuses, but it's strange that more and more emphases are rapidly switched to another kind of "event". Show girls become the major role in latest shows no matter what the purpose of the show is while show girl should be some kind of marketing strategy to draw various lustful males' mind. It's the show mixed up spicy show girls and the contents to be showed while the contents may be ignored easily in such a situation. After such a kind of "ceremony", maybe it's terrible that nothing but only show girls appear in you brain. Is it good or not? What should you do there? Staring at them or just ignore them? Or just sweep them out of your mind? It depends on what you think about that, although it's really difficult to do that!! What a dreadful show it is…

ingo74 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jun 01 Thu 2006 23:10
  • Cycle

 Business operations are composed by regular activities while they are deployed by organization mid-term tactics or even long-term strategy. Customer feedbacks and responded actions can also be regarded as one kind of activity within an organization due to that it's to achieve the "customer service" or "customer satisfaction" in tactical goals.

 Activities herein should be completed by a close-loop process, it's to say, people propose requests, people do the actions and then people accept the results, then complete the whole process. An easy description tells the loop, but how to implement it? Just as easy as the request-action-result cycle seemingly? Or what should be done to make the cycle perfect?

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