It's really a never completing task to finish the third module of CSCP (Certified Supply Chain Professional) learning materials. Long time has been taken although it's the album with the least pages. Things happen everyday make the reading status keeps still, but pressure on urgency is suddenly released due to the examination schedule will be postponed by more important things.

  It's hard to define what's more important than pass the certification in time, it depends on one's priority to things. Imagine bathing under the shining sunlight and clean fresh air, stand by the long beach on a small island, sand is absolutely white and the sea looks deeply blue faraway, blue water turns to transparent in front of your eyes. Boats stop near, as if floating in the air because the water is as clear as nothing. When you have the chance to dive in this way, what's your decision if the examination will be conflicted with the amazing dive?

ingo74 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  It's really a never completing task to finish the third module of CSCP (Certified Supply Chain Professional) learning materials. Long time has been taken although it's the album with the least pages. Things happen everyday make the reading status keeps still, but pressure on urgency is suddenly released due to the examination schedule will be postponed by more important things.

  It's hard to define what's more important than pass the certification in time, it depends on one's priority to things. Imagine bathing under the shining sunlight and clean fresh air, stand by the long beach on a small island, sand is absolutely white and the sea looks deeply blue faraway, blue water turns to transparent in front of your eyes. Boats stop near, as if floating in the air because the water is as clear as nothing. When you have the chance to dive in this way, what's your decision if the examination will be conflicted with the amazing dive?

ingo74 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jan 20 Sat 2007 21:34
  • 存在



ingo74 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

  • Jan 20 Sat 2007 21:34
  • 存在



ingo74 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

  「杜勒(Albrecht Dürer)」的作品包含了廣泛的繪畫題材與領域,除了是德國最偉大的藝術家之一外,亦是文藝復興的重量級思想家。

  杜勒在歐洲藝術史上有著舉足經重的影響,與繁多的藝術作品,不過,最喜歡的,其實是杜勒的木刻版畫。杜勒出生於紐倫堡(Nuremberg)的金匠家庭,15歲開始師從畫家Michael Wolgemut學習繪畫,據說,杜勒即是由此開始從事木版雕刻及版畫。也或許是沈浸在紐倫堡這個歐洲最早出現印刷機與生產科學儀器實驗室的城市裡,成就了杜勒無以計數版畫裡的精密、構圖與質樸線條同時交織融合的完美作品。

ingo74 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  「杜勒(Albrecht Dürer)」的作品包含了廣泛的繪畫題材與領域,除了是德國最偉大的藝術家之一外,亦是文藝復興的重量級思想家。

  杜勒在歐洲藝術史上有著舉足經重的影響,與繁多的藝術作品,不過,最喜歡的,其實是杜勒的木刻版畫。杜勒出生於紐倫堡(Nuremberg)的金匠家庭,15歲開始師從畫家Michael Wolgemut學習繪畫,據說,杜勒即是由此開始從事木版雕刻及版畫。也或許是沈浸在紐倫堡這個歐洲最早出現印刷機與生產科學儀器實驗室的城市裡,成就了杜勒無以計數版畫裡的精密、構圖與質樸線條同時交織融合的完美作品。

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